Friends of Forrest Prince, a beloved Houston artist who died in July of 2020, have announced that they will hold a memorial service for the artist next month.
Scheduled for December 7, 2021, the memorial will be held at Govinda’s Vegetarian Cuisine — a restaurant located just north of Houston’s Shady Acres neighborhood — that was one of Prince’s favorite haunts.
This location for the memorial is a poignant echo of Prince’s life and work. As stated in Glasstire’s obituary for Prince, the artist was a strict vegetarian, and a very spiritual man:
One of the most striking things about Prince is that he practiced what he preached: he was an ardent advocate for animal rights, a strict vegetarian, and a giver of unconditional love. Though Prince would proselytize about his salvation by God if given the chance to talk about his story, he is remembered by those who knew him as an exceedingly kind and tolerant person. One of Prince’s friends remembered fondly how the artist would, on occasion, forward them emails (which often contained “a wonderful abundance of emojis”) urging them to become vegan. Prince, no matter the situation, always did what he believed was right.
Gathering for the memorial will begin at 11 AM, with the service beginning at 11:30 AM. Masks will be required. If you plan to attend the memorial, please RSVP to Pennycerling [at]
Following the event, for $10 per person, Govinda’s will serve a vegetarian lunch to attendees.