Tom Sale shapes a wonderful pastiche about the life of Florence Nightingale to meet his personal, obsessive needs.
Thomas Ezekiel Williams
It's a serious show, but it's not a dick about being serious; I think that's something everyone in the art world needs to learn.
Nasher XChange is as much about learning about Dallas as it is about seeing art.
What happens on the Chihuahuan Desert plateau stays on the Chihuahuan Desert plateau, but use some common sense.
Tim DeVoe and Miriam Ellen Ewers inaugurate a new West Dallas space with a large green sculpture like a skateboard ramp. Hurry, it's closing Saturday!
The big problem with a lot of computer art people is that they don't understand aesthetics; they just have shitty taste. I'm pro-beauty. I'm on the Dave Hickey team.
Joel Sampson’s Rhythm Machines reminds me of something one might see at a Maker Faire or the Musee Mecanique, if the people who made those things were less crass.
The super tiny, brand new Safe Room Gallery is a must-see, especially if you are going to a movie at the Texas Theatre anyway.
Jeff Gibbons: Chee$e = Milk’s 4th State of Matter, Chances Are, Intermission and The Brite Sun
Overall, Jeff Gibbons’ show(s) at Oliver Francis Gallery in Dallas is great—please go see it. It feels a little disjointed, but dealing with it by apologetically making the exhibition into…