"Our technology evolves, but we haven’t evolved that much. We’re the same people we were when we first invented myths, really.”
This series will be a document of the journey as we move toward building an exhibition that is both relevant to the residents of the town, and a marker of the town’s possible future.
Artists are often their own advocates as they forge new strategies to create work in spite of a political gridlock that often forgets about them.
Some artists know that a glimpse of the future can be seen in the present if you look in the right place.
As March kicks off, I’ve contemplated contemporary art and current events from the past month with thoughts on "timing."
This article — in celebration of Valentine’s Day — is a chronological sampling of Apollo and Daphne images from different times and places, ranging from antiquity to 20th-century fantasies.
Here are eight artist couples from across the state who've made work for each other, with each other, or about love.
Don’t mess with Cupid.
I don't take consistency for granted these days.
The contract between the individual and the community is the space where Mark Menjivar focuses his efforts.
During the shutdown, the acclaimed artist residency has a bit of extra room to host an informal writing residency in collaboration with Glasstire.
During the shutdown, the acclaimed artist residency has a bit of extra room to host an informal writing residency in collaboration with Glasstire.
There are artists and events to pay attention to as we all work together to reconfigure the Texas arts infrastructure.
This question usually shows up somewhere in the creative process.
Suescum’s work creates a positive feedback loop of art in San Antonio where hierarchies established by the academy are questioned.
The Briscoe is Trying to Update How We Visualize the American West
by Josh Feolaby Josh FeolaThe San Antonio museum is attempting to expand representation both in terms of the artists it exhibits and the subjects that appear in its permanent collection's depictions of the West.
Disasters will continue to route the path of history, and Texas will continue to keep up. As you enjoy your holiday, here are some observations from our calendar’s perspective.
San Antonio Arts Institutions Unite for CAUSA Initiative to Combat Covid-19’s Economic Impact
by Josh Feolaby Josh Feola“We provide the main ingredient for tourism, so we must be supported,” says one leader of the new 40+ collective.
How have the City of Houston’s art agencies responded to the Covid economic crisis, and what is their relationship to Houston’s arts community?
Spencer Evans calls it “a blessing and a privilege to be called upon” to create this monument in his home state.