This week: a retrospective survey in Houston, a solo show featuring abstract works in Dallas, an annual juried exhibition of regional, national, and international artists in Texarkana, and more.
Top Five
This week: an exhibition exploring a curator's influence on a collection in Houston, a show featuring notable Southern African-based artists in Dallas, international Indigenous artists respond to the impacts of nuclear testing, nuclear accidents, and uranium mining in El Paso, and more.
This week: surreal portraits of childhood by a graffiti artist in Dallas, a group exhibition exploring female experience, motherhood, nature, and the body in San Marcos, a retrospective of forty years of work by a Texas artist and musician in Amarillo, and more.
This week: an exhibition highlighting early Texas art in Tyler, a solo show using cremated human remains as an artistic medium in Houston, an exhibition featuring large-scale assemblage-style sculptures in Dallas, and more.
This week: charcoal and mixed-media landscapes in Austin, a one-day showcase of analog films by Texas artists in Houston, a solo exhibition of abstract organic wood sculptures in San Benito, and more.
This week: a group exhibition exploring the cowboy in contemporary culture in Dallas, a two-person show investigating trauma and healing in Waco, an exhibition featuring photography and generative artworks in Houston, and more.
This week: an exhibition featuring resident artists in Galveston; a solo show highlighting lesser-known Black leaders, stories, and events in Fort Worth; an exhibition of new figurative works by a Denver-based artist in Marfa; and more.
This week: a traveling exhibition exploring nature, health, and sustainability comes to San Antonio; a juried exhibition of Texas art in Fort Worth; an annual art festival in Rockport; and more.
This week: a multi-sensory retrospective in Houston, an exhibition of works spanning 15th to 17th century Flemish paintings in Dallas, a solo show by a beloved Texas artist in Tyler, and more.
This week: a show of etherial paintings in Dallas, two artists in Houston examine LGBTQ+ political and social histories, an exhibition by a Texas-raised artist at a new Austin gallery, and more.
This week: an international show of abstract paintings in Dallas, one artist's work is on view at three venues in Houston, an immersive installation in Austin, and more.
This week: a group show featuring over 100 artists in Houston, a retrospective of abstract works in Fort Worth, fourteen women-identifying artists examine womanhood in Austin, and more.
This week: a two-city exchange between artist-run spaces in Houston and San Antonio, an experimental collaborative exhibition in Austin, colorful abstract paintings in Rockport, and more.
This week: a solo show of colorful, patterned compositions in Houston, a sister-duo explores caregiving through an array of mediums in Austin, a Brooklyn-based artist depicts machines as allegories for the body and mind in Dallas, and more.
This week: a solo exhibition in Houston featuring mixed media works depicting everyday scenes from Black life in America, collaborative prints highlighting Indigenous voices in Corpus Christi, a major group show of collage and assemblage works in Dallas, and more.
This week: a group exhibition of contemporary fiber works in Houston, a co-curated exhibition in Wichita Falls, a solo show of self-portraits in Austin, and more.
This week: a retrospective of an artist's 30-decade career across two galleries in Dallas, a solo show of abstract collages and paintings in Houston, a traveling exhibition of works by a collaborative duo makes its first Texas stop in Corpus Christi, and more.
This week: an exhibition of ceramic works in Dallas from a significant Mexican studio, a solo show of intricate drawings in Houston, a group exhibitions of video works by contemporary African American artists in Austin, and more.
This week: a solo exhibition of intimate portraits in Houston, a two-person show celebrating the legacy of important Texas artists in Fort Worth, large-scale charcoal landscapes in San Antonio, and more.
This week: a pop-up art exchange featuring Houston-based artists in Brownsville, a solo show about human history told through the the development of modern dog breeds in San Antonio, a two-person exhibition featuring works made on and with paper in Houston, and more.